OwO it’s VTuber time! This week we grab out pet aligators and wrap them in a trench coat to investigate the wild world of Holocure - Save the Fans! We’re talking jazzy beats, explosions of color, shrimp simps, skeletons with baseball bats, and (you guessed it!) six-legged monsterific horrors that would be well at home in any HR Geiger film. To navigate this deep sector of internet a-pog-rypha, we’re joined by VTuber and friend of the show Daniru17! We’ll need all the help we can get unraveling the mysteries of the Shubangelion and where exactly that character upgrade tab in the shop is.
Here’s where you can find Daniru17 on the interwebz!
Custom RSS | Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube Music | Transcript |
- 2:02 - game stats
- 3:07 - one sentence description
- 25:12 - our story begins
- 1:07:20 - rankings and final thoughts
- 1:15:09 - similar games
Next episode: Summer Music Fest and listener emails!
Contact us at grogpodzone@gmail.com!
Intro music: Emmet Cohen Trio ft. Patrick Bartley - After You’ve Gone
Outro music: eufrik - Suspect