Demonic presence at unsafe levels, podcast in effect! For our listener request week, we summon a granddaddy of the traditional roguelike pantheon: DoomRL - Doom: The Roguelike. But we couldn’t talk about a game with a 20+ year legacy without also crash landing on its gorgeous modern 3D remaster: Jupiter Hell. A traditional roguelike with…graphics? Voice acting? A b-b-budget? Come listen in on how to configure .ini files, assemble tactical rocket launchers, and learn how to be a sailor-mouthed hellish freight train on wheels. That’s how we do things downnnnntownnnnn.

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  • 1:55 - DoomRL game stats
  • 4:06 - One sentence description
  • 20:15 - DoomRL story
  • 35:43 - Jupiter Hell game stats
  • 39:26 - Jupiter Hell story
  • 1:23:35 - rankings and final thoughts
  • 1:30:41 - similar games

Next episode: Slice & Dice

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Intro music: The Geeky Guitarist - At Doom’s Gate (E1M1) Jazz Fusion Cover

Outro music: Sonic Clang - E1M1