• Warsim: The Realm of Aslona

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    This week is a podcast episode so cunning you could brush your teeth with it! We finally answer the question: what if Dwarf Fortress, Zork, and Black Adder all joined forces into a game made by a single person in a 70,000 line long single program? Why of course the... [Read More]
  • Fights in Tight Spaces

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    If we FITS then we SITS down to listen to this week’s episode on Fights in Tight Spaces! Drop into a room with a bunch of very patient and polite criminals for this highly stylized deckbuilding roguelike. Keep your momentum up, sharpen up those high heels, and watch those replays... [Read More]
  • Risk of Rain

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    Today’s forecast is partly sunny with a Risk of Rain. Join us to talk about the 10 year old (but timeless in our hearts) loot-collecting roguelike platformer with an incredibly enduring legacy. Be a Burning Witness to a podcast where two Meat Nuggets try to convince the third that his... [Read More]
  • Stacklands

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    Stack ‘em up! This week we’re playing the 2022 (literal) card game by the Sockpop Collective that became way more popular than they could have imagined. Join our Strange Portal of discussion about walls of carrots, ninjas, magic dust, and booster packs as we build a village of slowly completing... [Read More]
  • Invisible, Inc.

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    Call me Sna- uh, er, Inc. Invisible, Inc. The tactical espionage (action?) game by renknown developers Klei Entertainment! Your mission, should you choose to download it, is to tune in on our descriptions of cybernetic noir, wireless daemon hacking, and comparisons with X-Com. [Read More]
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit

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    A space plague has broken out, but you have to break in to The Pit! Join us as we dive through 30 floors of monsters and robots with shotguns, psionics, and hyper intelligent dolphins and explore the cartoonishly styled traditional roguelike from the Sword of the Stars creative universe. [Read More]
  • The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

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    Prepare to cry edition! For our spookiest episode yet, we are covering a historic pillar of the modern Roguelike genre by covering the 2011 smash hit The Binding of Isaac and its 2014 remaster The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. It’s not a trick, it will be a treat to listen... [Read More]
  • Dungeons of Dredmor

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    We’re live! Join us for the first episode of the podcast on the surprise hit of 2011: Dungeons of Dredmor by Gaslamp Games. Get your Diggles in a row, stop by a vending machine and hear about our plans for the podcast and what we think about monster zoos. [Read More]